There are many different identities within the LGBTQ+ community. These are important to help people feel respected and comfortable.
Pronouns are how you refer to a person! These can range depending on the person. A huge misconception is that gender or can determine a person's pronouns which isn't true. A person can use pronouns to help them feel more affirmed with their gender or to make themselves feel more comfortable as a person!
The best way to know someone's pronouns is to ask. It's better to ask and know rather than to guess. This will help to make sure you correctly refer to the person as well as helping them to feel comfortable.
If you get a pronoun wrong, apologise and correct yourself if you notice. The person may also correct your usage. This isn't usually out of malice but more helping you to understand.
I created this page to help with understanding pronouns and gender identities.
How to use She/Her/Hers/Herself
How to use He/Him/His/Himself
How to use They/Them/Theirs/Themself
How to pronounce:
Xe: "z-ee"
Xem: "z-ehm"
Xirs: "z-eers"
Xirself: "z-eer-self"
How to use Xe/Xem/Xirs/Xirself
How to pronounce:
Fae: "f-ay"
Faer: "f-air"
Faers: "f-airs"
Faerself: "f-air-self"
How to use Fae/Faer/Faers/Faerself
How to pronounce:
Ey: "ay"
Em: "ehm"
Eirs: "ee-rs"
Emself: "ehm-self"
How to use Ey/Em/Eirs/Emself
If your pronouns aren't shown here or if our phrasing isn't quite right, please click on this box to send us a message! We aim to respond to all requests and messages.
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Gender is represented by different social and psychological aspects of a person. It is how a person views and represents themselves.
Gender expression is a big thing to help people feel more comfortable in their bodies. This expression can give a person a huge confidence boost and can help them to feel a lot more in tune with their internal self and internal self-image.
However a person chooses to define their gender, it's important to refer to them as such and make them feel welcomed and included.
Being female means a different thing to every person! But in essence, it is someone who identifies as female or a woman.
This may be different than the person's, gender assigned at birth.
A person identifying as female may adjust their appearance and social behaviours to feel more in touch with their gender identity.
Being male means a different thing to every person! But in essence, it is someone who identifies as male or a man.
This may be different than the person's, gender assigned at birth.
A person identifying as male may adjust their appearance and social behaviours to feel more in touch with their gender identity.
Non-binary means that the person's gender is outside of "binary norms" hence the name.
This means that the person may not feel solely male or female. There may be times when the person may feel more feminine or masculine.
A person identifying as non-binary may dress how they feel according to their gender or just how they feel most comfortable! Asking and respecting pronouns is also important as these can also fluctuate or change depending on the person! Not every non-binary person uses they/them pronouns.
Bigender people identify or align with two or more genders (For example: Non-binary and Male or Female and Male)
This can be either at separate times or at the same time. Many people choose to embody themselves within both genders simultaneously to help them feel more comfortable in their sense of self. Everyone has their own experiences within their identities and not one person is the same.
Demigender people tend to have a slight connection to another gender or genders but may not fully identify with them.
A person may identify with their gender assigned at birth and another, or may have different genders to what they were assigned at birth
These include terms such as Demiboy and Demigirl which are discussed below.
A demiboy is someone who has a partial connection to the male gender or masculinity as well as a connection to one or more other genders.
The term Demiman is used also as some people feel uncomfortable with the term boy (usually referring to someone with a young age)
A demigirl is someone who has a partial connection to the female gender or femininity as well as a connection to one or more other genders.
The term Demiwoman is used also as some people feel uncomfortable with the term girl (usually referring to someone with a young age)
Intersex people are people who are born with or develop sex characteristics that may be outside of "binary norms" of either male or female.
People who are intersex understand and embrace the fact that all bodies are different and that all people deserve to make decisions about their bodies.
A person who is transgender usually identifies with a gender different to the one assigned at birth. This may be male, female, non-binary or other. Transgender people may choose to dress accordingly to match their gender identity and may use a different name and pronouns to help them feel more comfortable.
It's okay not to feel sure about your gender identity. Life is a journey and discovering yourself is part of that journey. Just enjoy being you. Some things are worth the wait!
If your gender isn't shown here or if our phrasing isn't quite right, please click on this box to send us a message! We aim to respond to all requests and messages.
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