Supporting your staff, co-workers, and colleagues who are part of the LGBTQ+ is a way to make sure that the workplace stays a community. LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace is extremely important in making sure that everyone feels comfortable and safe to be who they are.
Not everyone uses classic she/her or he/him pronouns! Introduce yourself with your pronouns, this usually prompts others to do the same which helps to keep an inclusive and supportive work environment. If you're unsure about pronouns, make sure to ask! Most people are happy to answer this question.
If you see people making discriminatory jokes or comments towards an LGBTQ+ colleague, call it out and report it.
For some, it may be a joke but for the person experiencing it, it's anything but. Report it to your HR team as soon as possible to ensure the workplace stays positive.
Instead of using phrases such as "Ladies and Gentlemen" or "Guys and Girls", Use phrases such as "Friends and Colleagues" or "Hello everyone" This makes it more inclusive for those who don't align with either male or female.
If you are unsure about anything or have questions, make sure to ask or do your own research! Try your best to make sure that everyone can feel welcome and included in your workplace.
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